Expand All Facebook Responses

Update for 2023+

This no longer works. This tool stopped working sometime early in 2023, and I will no longer be maintaining it. It kinda-sorta still works (better on old / legacy threads), and I’ll leave it up indefinitely. It has stopped working due to Facebook changes that, as a human, make no sense to me and have finally caused me to ignore Facebook (going on six months now).

Old introduction

I have written a JavaScript bookmarklet that expands all comments and replies in Facebook posts. This applies only to the full version of the Facebook website (e.g., www.facebook.com) and not to other web versions (e.g., m.facebook.com, touch.facebook.com) or to versions of the mobile app.

Bookmarklets are not the prettiest or best-understood things in the world, but I’m making it available in case people want to use it.

To install or update the bookmarklet, click here to bring up a page with the bookmarklet in it, along with some simple instructions.

Also see my Scroll All bookmarklet.

2021-02-17: I put this in GitHub.

What does this help with?

This expands Facebook posts so that you can see/read all comments and replies from top to bottom without clicking. This is how I use it, and I use it only on individual posts with usually many fewer than 100 comments and replies.

Others use this to expand multiple posts prior to archiving them. That wasn’t my original usage model and can hit Facebook limitations on how much it will retrieve (plus, it gets slower the longer it runs), but it’s still better than manually clicking.

To isolate a single post to a browser tab, ctrl-click on the post’s time stamp link, which is a permalink URL.


If you need to 100% guarantee this bookmarklet does not click on something it shouldn’t, your only option is to avoid it altogether.

This is a bookmarklet and can only do what you can do, as you. There’s always the risk of clicking on something that wasn’t intended, especially if the code I write now decides to click on something that becomes something else in the future. This is what happened in 2020 with the translation links: they became indistinguishable from the like links (and the untranslate links, and the remove preview links). It became easier to remove the translation feature from the bookmarklet than claim to be able to figure out to not click the like link.

I would characterize the latest changes as follows: in some cases, where it used to be possible to select a list of links that should be clicked, now that list needs to be filtered by what should not be clicked. Unfortunately, that list of what not to click is probably incomplete. I found many cases to avoid, but others might find other cases.

This bookmarklet will not traipse down a multistep procedure, such as submitting a comment or sharing something. Check your Facebook activity log—you can likely undo any action taken. I myself would probably commit harakiri if I found out I had acted on a Trump post I was lurking on and could not undo it.

2021-01-20 notes

When I originally wrote this bookmarklet in 2014, I could hardly believe it kept working with no changes. I sat on it for about one year with no changes to Facebook before publishing it. Now in early 2021, Facebook changes every day in such a way that breaks this bookmarklet. The daily UI changes are gratuitous and serve no visual purpose.

The daily Facebook change involves an image ribbon and the CSS used to display an image from the ribbon. It all changes under the covers daily, yet there’s no visual change. I thought I’d be able to fix the problem by programmatically analyzing the CSS on-the-fly but no, both the CSS rule name and the CSS rule itself change (every day), for no actual purpose. There doesn’t seem to be a way to programmatically determine the CSS rule name from anything fixed. Plus, parsing CSS across browsers seems to have insurmountable security restrictions.

Up to this point, I managed to keep this completely independent of the display language, meaning you could choose any of the 112 languages supported by Facebook and this tool would work. I did this by keying only off the CSS and DOM structure.

This has changed now that Facebook changes CSS names and definitions daily. I’ve resorted—in only one case—to parsing display text. Of the possible 112 languages, I’ve added support for 34 or so. Maybe eventually I’ll link to a list of supported languages so it’s clearer. Part of the problem is that now, if Facebook changes the translation of the text I’m using, including fixing problems, it will break the bookmarklet.

The failure when a language is not supported is not terrible; under certain conditions, the bookmarklet won’t click a link that retrieves more replies. I think I’ve eliminated the problem with expand / collapse loops (using code), and only some threads won’t be fully expanded.

It only takes 5 – 10 minutes to add support for a language (not long). Facebook supports 112 languages (supporting them all would take days). I’m happy adding individual languages, but I plan to do that only if I hear of them (i.e., upon request).

2020-11-30 update

I made a difficult decision today to make a change based on Facebook’s incessant changing and breaking this tool (collapse/expand looping). The change is intended to prevent loops, but it is at the cost of an occasional (rare, I hope) incomplete expansion.

There will be just as much maintenance, except it will be to click on something that should be clicked on rather than to avoid clicking on something that shouldn’t be clicked on. When it breaks every few days, it will cause some (hopefully) rare expansions to be incomplete rather than to get stuck in infinite loops.

I’m also hoping to address the problem of leapfrogging, where certain locales are greater-than-one Facebook builds ahead of me, so they never benefit from the changes I make, as I’m always a few builds back.

Details of what this does

Output is logged to both a temporary visual text area and to the browser console. The text area goes away when it’s done, so if you want to see a record of what happened after-the-fact, you’ll need to hit F12 and open the browser console. When the script completes, it logs a numerical total of all responses being displayed. New log text goes to the top rather than the bottom.

The bookmarklet clicks on links to get more responses. It clicks and waits for the new content, which is recursively checked for new links. After all the responses are obtained, it clicks any and all See More links.

It finds links to click by querying on CSS style names and is thus cultural language independent and should work with Facebook set to display in any language, with the exception of:

Before expansion begins, comment filtering is checked and, if needed, changed to All comments. This is starting as an English-only feature; additional languages added upon request. Messing with comment filtering is optional (see bookmarklet settings).

Please don’t do this

This isn’t recommended on posts that have many thousands of throw-away comments:

  1. You probably aren’t really interested in that many throw-away comments.
  2. It gets slower and slower as more comments are pulled over, which I think is more of a browser thing than a Facebook thing.

If you want to stop the bookmarklet, hit ESC if ESC doesn’t conflict with what you are doing, or click the bookmarklet again. If you run it again, it will pick up where it left off (effectively, not literally).

Bookmarklet settings (new)

This section is new as of 2019-03-14.

Please be aware that modifying settings for this bookmarklet is weird and backwards, but bookmarklets are themselves a little weird. To modify the settings, you must run the bookmarklet from Facebook; the settings UI comes up at the end by pressing ‘s’ sometime during its run; changes you make are for next time, not this time, if that makes sense.

You can customize the bookmarklet from any Facebook page, but if you want to ensure that it finds nothing to expand, you can run it on a Facebook page with no posts, such as https://www.facebook.com/find-friends/browser/.

The UI settings will not persist across browser sessions if you are incognito/private or running Tor’s Firefox browser (see next section).

If you use this UI, you can no longer have multiple Expand All bookmarklets with different settings (see next section).

Customizing the bookmarklet (old)

This section is old as of 2019-03-14. I’m leaving it here in case their are fanatics who either use Facebook incognito/privately or use Tor’s Firefox browser.

You can customize what the bookmarklet does. You can install multiple bookmarklets, each with a different customization.

When you edit the bookmark (Properties in Firefox), you will see near the very beginning todo=6. You can change the numerical value. With this value, you control four bits of instruction:

  • 1: not used anymore
  • 2: expand comments
  • 4: expand replies
  • 8: not used anymore
  • 16: do not ensure comment filter (if it exists) is set to All comments

In combination, there are 8 possible values. Some examples, starting with a value of 6:

  • Subtract 4 to not expand replies
  • Add 16 to not change any comment filters

Note that I only regularly use (hence, test) the default value.

Why did I do this?

I looked around to see if someone else had done something like this already, and of course I might have missed something, but it became apparent to me that it would be easier to do this myself than to keep looking for something that actually worked (everything I tried did not work).

Warnings and notes

  • This works today based on how Facebook is rendered in HTML today. It might break tomorrow, and I might not be able to fix it.
  • The script doesn’t parse display text.
  • You can run the bookmarklet multiple times. Sometimes it helps to do this if Facebook is slow and timeouts result in an incomplete expansion.
  • If you want to see the bookmarklet’s JavaScript in a readable format, copy-and-paste it into a beautifier such as jsbeautifier.org. In fact, if you know JavaScript, you might want to do this to boost your confidence that I am not trying to hack you with some malicious script.


Make sure you are using the latest bookmarklet. Let me know what language you use Facebook in and which browser family you use.

If this bookmarklet used to work and stopped working, chances are Facebook has changed, and I need to change the bookmarklet. I might notice the breakage myself, but it probably won’t hurt to let me know about it. Changes I’ve made are listed here.

As we learned in 2018, Facebook changes can roll out over a period of a few months. I’m in Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, California, U.S.A.), and my guess is that I can be the last to see changes (and thus, problems), as Facebook seems to use less-trafficked areas as beta sites.

If you’ve never seen it work in a situation:

If it doesn’t work for a public Facebook post that you can reveal without a violation of your privacy, send me or post a comment here with the permalink URL in it, and I will look at it.

If it works except for some non-public posts, chances are I won’t have be able to observe what makes it special and therefore won’t be able to fix it. I might be able to reproduce a problem in my own private context, depending on having the problem adequately described.

  • Bear in mind that this just automates clicking that you would otherwise do. Manually click on what is not working, and assess the situation from there.
  • You can run this bookmark multiple times without penalty. Sometimes doing so can reveal a clue, especially interspersed with your own clicking.
  • I consider myself a regular Facebook user. If there’s something unusual or nonstandard about your situation, feel free to elaborate. For example, I have no idea how to create, see, or show a “hidden comment.”
  • Facebook has limitations. Please read the section titled “Please don’t do this.”
  • It often doesn’t matter how brilliant you are at capturing the problem (e.g., with screenshots). If I can’t reproduce the problem, I probably can’t fix it or test any fix now and in the future.





500 responses to “Expand All Facebook Responses”

  1. Marcia Ferrell Avatar
    Marcia Ferrell

    Magic! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Dennis Brown Avatar
    Dennis Brown

    Great function that I use a lot. However, it just stopped working in my closed group for some reason. It runs through its cycles, but finds nothing to expand.

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      Email to your supplied address bounced, and you didn’t give me enough to really examine the problem.

      Most of my expansion activity is in closed groups, and it’s still working for me today.

      Double check that you can do what you want to do manually, as the bookmarklet just automates that. If you can’t do it, neither can the bookmarklet.

      I assume you’re using the latest version, currently from 5/21: http://com.hemiola.com/bookmarklet/

      1. Dennis Brown Avatar
        Dennis Brown

        Thanks for replying. Strange things happening with Chrome. I kept trying the Expand All to no avail, but manual expansion always worked, then today Chrome said “Something went wrong, please reload your window”. I killed the tab I was on and reloaded it, then auto expansion started working again.

  3. Rituraj Avatar

    I only want to load all the main comments and not the reptiles.
    I read the instructions that substract 4

    So from tod=14 it will become tod=10 ?

    Or expand_replies=4 has to be changed to 0 ?

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      C’mon. The instructions are not ambiguous at all.

  4. M. Avatar

    Can you make it work for permalink links ?

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      It does. I use it every day on permalinks, almost exclusively. If something doesn’t work for you, can you elaborate?

  5. M. Avatar

    Hi Jens, most of my permanent links are from closed groups. And I tried many different permanent links but it failed.

    It always says : “Comments + replies = 0 + 0 = 0”

  6. Will Avatar

    Been working with the bookmarklet and no matter the changes I make, doesn’t seem to be working to allow expanding of replies.

    Comments expand fine, but the “replies” are staying hidden and require to be clicked to expand.

    Any ideas?

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      Does it not work at all on any posts? Or does it not work only on some posts?

      1. Will Avatar

        Doesn’t work on any post. It expands the “see more” button, but does not show the replies no matter what I do or the configuration I set.

        1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
          Jens-Ingo Farley

          My only guess is that a browser extension is modifying the HTML, making it unrecognizable to the Expand All bookmarklet. Perhaps you can employ the usual techniques for isolating problems to an extension.

  7. Looshis T. Avatar
    Looshis T.


  8. Jolly Avatar

    I think facebook is running some beta tests. I havnt had a chance to fully debug, but I’m noticing a difference in variable names – aka UFI2Comment

  9. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
    Jens-Ingo Farley

    It could very well be that Facebook is rolling out new class names finally after four years. But in order to solidly fix a problem, I need to be able to reproduce it, which I can’t now.

    I hope that any new class names are per-post rather than per-user. (What I mean is that I hope if one person sees a post with a problem, then anyone who sees the post sees the same problem. If two people look at the same post and see two different results, it will be very difficult to address.)

    I would appreciate any links to public posts that show the problem. If the problem is seen only on private posts and I don’t see the problem, there isn’t much I can do. I don’t want to ask someone to send me view-source on a private post, because that could violate someone’s privacy.

    On the other hand, if someone can come up with steps to build a private post that exhibits the problem, that would also be quite beneficial (unless the problem ends up being per-user).

  10. Paer Toernell Avatar
    Paer Toernell

    It stop work. Sad, fantastic tool.

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      It works for me. As I mentioned in my previous comment, all I need is an example (URL) of it not working, and I will fix it.

  11. Millard J Melnyk Avatar

    Hey, the bookmarklet behaves totally different now than it did yesterday or even just an hour ago. It’s now 11:18 AM PST. The Link Comments bookmarklet isn’t working, either, but just now was the first time I’d tried it in a few days.

    Here’s what I see in the Expand Comments little blue window instead of the usual:


    Comments + replies = 0 + 0 = 0
    [Massive text removed]
    Showing comment area for 1 post(s)


  12. Millard J Melnyk Avatar

    PS. I’m using the bookmarklets in a Chrome browser. I also tried redragging them to my bookmarks bar to see if that would change anything. It didn’t.

    I also checked the very same URL in my Firefox browswer, in which I’d dragged the bookmarklets to the bookmarks bar months ago and haven’t touched them since. It’s the first time I’ve used Firefox in days. Same behavior.

    The Link Comments blue box simply says “No comments found.”

  13. dancer marcus Avatar
    dancer marcus

    I don’t know javascript but I desperately want to change todo to 2, could you point out where to change the script to make that happen? Thank you so so so much for all your work and making this amazing tool!

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      First, you need to right-click the button created for the bookmarklet. Then:

      Chrome: Select Edit…, then click on the URL. Hit the Home key.

      Firefox: Select Properties, then click the Location.

      At the beginning of the URL, you’ll see todo=14. Just change the 14 to a 2. Save it.

  14. Matteo Avatar

    Hello, is this post public? https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnalfabetiDellaBirra/permalink/2080384488695788/
    Unfortunately your bookmarklet is having some problems

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      Thanks for the URL. It is public. It turns out that the problem is seen only by certain people, perhaps geographically. I finally started seeing the problem a few hours ago. I’ve made a pass at fixing it, though I’ll probably make a few more changes later.

  15. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
    Jens-Ingo Farley

    Finally, as of a few hours ago, Facebook changes (and bookmarklet breakages) are showing up for me. I’ve made a pass at fixing the bookmarklet, and it works for how I use it, but I still need to look at expanding posts that come up with the comment area hidden, maybe other things I’ll notice later.

    1. Jolly Avatar

      It does seem per user.

      Here is a public post of mine:

      The script works when I’m an anonymous user, but not when I’m logged in.

      1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
        Jens-Ingo Farley

        It’s true that some people were seeing Facebook changes two months before I was. The possibility of that case will be hanging over my head forever now.

        For your URL, I see the same results whether I’m logged in or not:

        Comments + replies = 17 + 46 = 63

        Could you make sure you are using the absolute latest bookmarklet? I’ve been changing it multiple times per day lately.

        1. Jolly Avatar

          My mistake. I can confirm the latest bookmarklet works with that post, both logged in and logged out.

  16. Florian Rücker Avatar
    Florian Rücker

    THANK YOU, this did everything I wanted except even more smoothly than I could ever have imagined.

  17. star69 Avatar

    Thanks! This is awesome.

  18. Adam Wildavsky Avatar

    The drag and drop install did not work for me – nothing dropped. I’m using Chrome on a Mac. I was able to copy and paste the JS into a bookmark and prefix it with “javascript:”. It works nicely now – thanks for making it available!

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      “You can no longer drag links to the bookmarks bar in Chrome 69” (Mac only)


      (I didn’t look at the detail, such as if and when it will be / was fixed.)

  19. Jim Avatar

    I cant drag it to my bookmarks bar. Chrome for mac. The old one is there. I renamed it. I’m scared to delete it bec it still works at times. I tried dragging it to the bookmarks bar folder in the bookmark manager, and that didnt work either. Thoughts?

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      “You can no longer drag links to the bookmarks bar in Chrome 69” (Mac only)


      Still broken in Chrome 72. Expected fix in Chrome 73. ETA March 12.


  20. Mathi Avatar

    Hi Kindly let me know the steps how to do the below steps

    “Subtract 8 to remove the translation step”

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      Right-click the button created for the bookmarklet. Then:

      Chrome: Select Edit…, then click on the URL. Hit the Home key.

      Firefox: Select Properties, then click the Location.

      At the beginning of the URL, you’ll see todo=14. Change the 14 to a 6 (i.e., subtract 8). Save it.

      1. Mathi Avatar

        Thank you It was amazing.

  21. Kleon Ioannidis Avatar

    Hello, I hope you’re doing well and thank you for your useful work.
    I am Greek, so I use the Greek language Facebook.
    In case you don’t know it, in every English language Facebook post (or in any other language except Greek), there is always a link for translation at the bottom of the post, it says in Greek ‘See translation’.

    The ‘expand all’ bookmarklet was always working for me, except for a couple of last months.
    I updated today, and here’s what happened.

    In Greek written posts, everything is okay.
    In English written posts, the bookmarklet indeed expands all comments, but it is also translates to Greek all comments and of course the original post.

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      You have (at least) two choices: customize the bookmarklet or customize Facebook.

      To customize the bookmarklet, you can see the original post or the comment/reply before this one.

      To customize Facebook to stop offering to translate, you can go here:

      1. Kleon Ioannidis Avatar

        Thank you. It worked instantly and now it’s great again. I’m grateful (and please forgive me for not reading your similar reply to another visitor prior to mine)

  22. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
    Jens-Ingo Farley

    Fixed in Chrome 73 on March 12, 2019:

    “You can no longer drag links to the bookmarks bar in Chrome 69” (Mac only)

  23. Jim Leff Avatar
    Jim Leff

    Hi, thanks for putting this out there!

    FYI bookmarklet is not expanding the following public thread (at least not on latest Safari browser).


    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      Because I won’t be able to try it on a Mac any time soon (and the URL works for me on Windows), I was wondering if you could briefly describe what doesn’t work about it. I also wanted to make sure that it works if you manually click, just not with the bookmarklet.

      1. Jim Leff Avatar
        Jim Leff

        No, the facebook reply does not expand when I manually click. That’s what I thought the bookmarklet was supposed to fix. Was I misinformed?

        1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
          Jens-Ingo Farley

          The bookmarklet does not fix anything. It only automatically clicks what you can click on manually. I don’t know what’s special about your post that makes clicking ineffective in Safari.

  24. Jens Toft Avatar
    Jens Toft


    I was about to write that the script no longer worked for me as of a few days ago. But you’ve already updated it.

    Thank you. I highly appreciate it, as I combine this handy little script with an Automator app that runs 4 times an hour 24 hours a day. 🙂

  25. Craig Poxon Avatar
    Craig Poxon

    Could you also update to unhide hidden comments?

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      This bookmarklet automates clicking. It can’t do anything that you can’t do manually. I suspect that you are asking if this bookmarklet can unhide comments that someone else hid, and I’d guess that’s inherently impossible (I can’t even try this out because I only have one Facebook account). Feel free to elaborate. I’ve never hidden or unhidden a comment before, or encountered the presence of hidden comments that I’ve been aware of.

      1. Craig Poxon Avatar
        Craig Poxon

        The ability to hide/unhide comments comes with pages (and groups?) and it is done manually by clicking. An ellipsis image is used in place of the hidden comment from https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/y8/r/p9oN-LcGI8d.png

        The markup looks like this:

        ._6cn_ {
        display: block;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        outline: none;
        padding-bottom: 4px;
        padding-top: 5px;
        width: 13px;

        ._6coh {
        display: block;

        ._6co0 {
        background-image: url(/rsrc.php/v3/y8/r/p9oN-LcGI8d.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-repeat-x: no-repeat;
        background-repeat-y: no-repeat;
        background-size: auto;
        background-position: -50px -89px;
        background-position-x: -50px;
        background-position-y: -89px;
        display: block;
        height: 3px;
        margin: 4px 0 2px;
        margin-top: 4px;
        margin-right: 0px;
        margin-bottom: 2px;
        margin-left: 0px;
        vertical-align: middle;
        width: 13px;


      2. Craig Poxon Avatar
        Craig Poxon

        It’s (wisely) not letting me post the markup. Does this work?

        <span data-hover="tooltip" id="js_cf" data-tooltip-content="1 hidden"><a aria-label="Show comments marked as spam" class="_6coh" role="button" href="#"><span class="_6cn_"><i class="_6co0"></i></span></a></span>

        1. Craig Poxon Avatar
          Craig Poxon

          Hiding / unhiding comments come with pages/groups and is done by clicking manually.

          An ellipsis image is used in place of the hidden comment and comes from https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/y8/r/p9oN-LcGI8d.png

          ._6coh {
          display: block;

          ._6cn_ {
          display: block;
          margin-left: auto;
          margin-right: auto;
          outline: none;
          outline-color: initial;
          outline-style: none;
          outline-width: initial;
          padding-bottom: 4px;
          padding-top: 5px;
          width: 13px;

          ._6co0 {
          background-image: url(/rsrc.php/v3/y8/r/p9oN-LcGI8d.png);
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          background-repeat-x: no-repeat;
          background-repeat-y: no-repeat;
          background-size: auto;
          background-position: -50px -89px;
          background-position-x: -50px;
          background-position-y: -89px;
          display: block;
          height: 3px;
          margin: 4px 0 2px;
          margin-top: 4px;
          margin-right: 0px;
          margin-bottom: 2px;
          margin-left: 0px;
          vertical-align: middle;
          width: 13px;


          1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
            Jens-Ingo Farley

            Am I correct that only the post owner can unhide comments of others that the post owner previously hid (i,e., you cannot hide/unhide your own comments)?

          2. Craig Poxon Avatar
            Craig Poxon

            Admins of the page (group?) can hide/unhide comments.


          3. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
            Jens-Ingo Farley

            Including their own comments?

          4. Craig Poxon Avatar
            Craig Poxon

            No, only edit/delete options for comments made as the page.

          5. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
            Jens-Ingo Farley

            I don’t think I could safely do it justice. It’s a feature I wouldn’t use, hence test well. Also, I’d have a hard time testing it at all. There’s Facebook spam filtering vs. others’ comments hidden by you as an admin vs. others’ comments hidden by you if you’re not the admin but the poster. There could be special paging techniques used if there are 10, 20, 100 or whatever hidden posts; I don’t know.

            I’m getting nervous now, because I don’t know what this bookmarklet will do if it comes across (small or large quantities of) hidden comments that are showing but not unhidden.

          6. Craig Poxon Avatar
            Craig Poxon

            I’d be happy to test it for you. I’m not sure how your bookmarklet works but isn’t it just a case of searching for “x hidden” and clicking that element recursively, just like (I assume) you do with the “Show more”?

          7. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
            Jens-Ingo Farley

            Thank you, but it’s just not practical. Testing is not one isolated event. Regression testing needs to occur whenever a change is made to the bookmarklet in the future. And Facebook will likely change eventually, too. That’s why I try to warn about features I don’t use regularly not being well tested.

  26. Matt Avatar

    Thanks for your work. This worked, for the most part how, I wanted it to.

  27. Sen McGlinn Avatar
    Sen McGlinn

    It doesn’t work for me. See this post on a public group which has only a few comments :
    when I use the applet I get a blue box, with no further action. When I press escape I get a blue box with the message “aborting” and no further action. To get rid of the blue box I have to refresh the page.
    Same story with closed groups, large number of comments, etc .
    I am using Chrome 49.0.2623.112 m on XP, which is probably service pack 4. It’s a recent installation (1 year).

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      You are using a browser from 2016, on an operating system with the latest service pack from 2008. If you’ve never seen the bookmarklet work, I can almost guarantee it’s because it won’t work on something that “old.” How old is too old? I don’t know. Is it the browser, or the OS? I don’t know.


      I tried your URL (which, BTW, is to a group, not a post(ing)) and it worked for me (I tried it on the top 120 postings). But then I’m using the latest Chrome on the latest Windows 10.

    2. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      The problem is the browser. I just tried Chrome 49 (old versions are archived), and it does not support the JavaScript I used to address the Facebook issues at the end of 2018.

      1. Sen McGlinn Avatar
        Sen McGlinn

        Thank you. Unfortunately my laptop is barely able to open a tab in new versions of Firefox. God forbid that I join the throwaway culture and !upgrade!

        1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
          Jens-Ingo Farley

          You’re in luck. I modified the bookmarklet to work with Chrome 49.

  28. Brent E Scott Avatar
    Brent E Scott

    This is fantastic, thank you! Would love to see a similar bookmarklet to go through and unselect all the items in “Your Interests” and “Advertisers and Business” here:

  29. Ibrym Avatar

    Thanks a lot Sir, the bookmarklet worked excellently.

  30. S Bovington Avatar
    S Bovington

    Thank you. I have used your expand all feature a few times for sports groups that I am involved in

    Any chance of doing a similar feature for LinkedIn ? I am frequently having to click on the many “see more” links on profiles

    1. Jens-Ingo Farley Avatar
      Jens-Ingo Farley

      Sorry, I won’t be doing anything similar for other websites.

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